This Bug Is Popping Up All Over America. But If You Spot It, Stay Away!


Known as a triatomine bug, or the "kissing Bug," This little insect  is infesting the United States, so learning about this creepy critter is important for your safety and health. The bug’s bite can be lethal to humans.

The triatomine bug feeds of the blood of mammals, including humans, dogs, livestock, and just about anything with skin and blood.

The bugs are also attracted to carbon dioxide, and being that humans exhale this, the bugs find themselves on ones face and nose.

Be cautious but don't panic, not every bug has a parasite inside of it, but it is important to be aware of the danger.
If the bug has a parasite when it bites you, or defecates into the wound, then you are at high risk to contract Chagas disease, which can be fatal if not treated.

If you get bit by this bug, look out for symptoms such as fever, fatigue, rash, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The bugs hide in cracks in homes, and come out during the night, similar to bed bugs. You may not even know if you've been bitten

Ways to protect yourself from these bugs include:

Sealing all cracks and holes in your home
Checking your pet’s bedding for them
Removing wood or brush piles near your home
Turning off outdoor lights at night
These bugs are hard to kill too. Bug spray does not phase them, and they will get you if they can!

Share this article with your family and friends to make them aware, help keep them informed, and safe. 

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) also came out with a map detailing where the bug is being found, so you can know if you are at risk:


