Plastic-Bottle Homes Are Under Construction Around The Globe 

Photo credit: Aminu Abubakar/Getty Images)

47 billion plastic bottles are discarded annually, and that is only in the United States. Worldwide, enough plastic is thrown out each year to circle the globe four times. In Africa and Latin America, the citizens are making a difference, taking advantage of the use of plastic bottles to build shelters for the homeless.

In Nigeria, an estimated are 16 million people are homeless , but a German firm: Ecotec Environmental Solutions,  has been training people to build homes out of plastic bottles using The “bottle wall technique.”


Constructing a shelter using plastic bottles involves a simple process Collected bottles are filled with sand, then stacked on their sides vertically with mud or a cement mix in between. This process creates solid, rigid walls. They are well insulated, 20 times stronger than brick, and fire resistant. A two-bedroom home with a kitchen, a living room, and a toilet requires 14,000 plastic bottles, costing about 75% less then your traditional homes construction.


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