How To Recognize You May Have A Heart Attack 1 Month Before It Happens

3. Long Lasting Cold Symptoms

Having cold symptoms that won’t let up could be a sign of heart failure. As the heart struggles to keep up with the amount of blood needed by the body, blood leaks back into the lungs. Pay special attention to the appearance of white or pink mucus with your cough, which is the byproduct of this blood leakage.

4. Swelling
As the heart struggles to pump blood throughout the body, veins begin to swell, causing a bloating effect. The main points of swelling are the legs, feet, and ankles because of their proximity to the heart. It is also possible to observe peripheral cyanosis, which is a blue tinge seen in the lips or extremities.

5. Dizziness

As the heart struggles and blood circulation restricts, the brain may not be getting enough oxygen. The patient may feel dizzy or lightheaded. This is a major cause of concern and you should seek medical help immediately. It is especially important not to drive yourself to the hospital in this case.

6. Shortness Of Breath

This could be a sign that a heart attack is on its way. The heart and lungs work in unison to supply oxygen to the rest of the body. As the heart struggles, the lungs receive less blood flow and begin to lag, which may cause difficulty breathing.

If You Have Any Of These Symptoms, Here’s What To Do…

If you notice any of the above symptoms in yourself or someone around you, it is best to seek out medical attention as soon as possible. Most symptoms leading to heart attack go unaddressed and this has been proven to be a fatal mistake. Call 911 and do not drive yourself to the hospital. An ambulance has equipment that paramedics can use to administer lifesaving treatment. It is also recommended that you consume an aspirin as soon as possible, as this will help inhibit the platelets in the bloodstream.

Almost everyone has lost someone to a heart attack so please spread the word to increase awareness so that lives may be spared.



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